
Welker Slot Charts

Chart Changing Reliability

The Welker Slot Chart

When you need chart-changing reliability.

After years of customer usage in both field and off-shore operations, not a single major operating problem has been reported. Automatic chart changing provides gas transmission companies with accurate chart data, which results in a greater amount of billable gas and increased revenues.

The reliability factor of the Welker Slot Chart has been a remarkable achievement of design and quality assurance in our chart repertoire. Welker Slot Charts are used by most of the major gas transmission companies in the United States and the market’s continued reliance on our charts is a testament to the accuracy and reliability of our product offering.

We print, die-cut and punch our charts with precision, custom designed equipment. The accuracy of our chart products is the result of millions of dollars of investment in state of the art instruments and equipment. Our financial investments and commitment to continuous improvement allow us to provide exceptional quality and fulfill the most critical requirements of gas measurement.

Used with the Mullins Dial-O-Graph® Automatic Chart Changer, our charts with the exclusive Welker Slot provide fast, accurate and reliable readings. It can be expensive and frustrating when charts become jammed or damaged during the measurement process but the reliability and durability of our high quality charts will make these problems an afterthought.

Welker Slot Charts offer scanner ink in two shades, readout holes, back-printing and overprinting. Our charts function properly on all scanner and integrator units.

Dial-O-Graph® is a registered trademark of the Mullins Manufacturing Company.

Welker Slot Charts