Line Cards

Manufacturing Environment Product Capabilities

<p>Manufacturing Environment Product Capabilities</p>

Graphic Controls offers a comprehensive range of date recording and monitoring products for climate-sensitive goods.

Last Edited: 01/05/2024

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Data Recording - Charts, Pens & Accessories

Data Recording Products

<p>Data Recording Products</p>

The world leader in industrial monitoring supplies.

Last Edited: 14/03/2018

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Folleto de la industria del gas

<p>Folleto de la industria del gas</p>

Gráfica de registro y plumillas desechables

Last Edited: 20/03/2019

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Reloj Electrónico Wilson

<p>Reloj Electr&oacute;nico Wilson</p>

Para uso como reemplazo del reloj para las máquinas Barton, American Meter, Foxboro, Bristol, British Rototherm y otras.

Last Edited: 12/03/2019

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Partlow Charts and Pens

<p>Partlow Charts and Pens</p>

Charts and Markers to fit your Partlow Recorder

Last Edited: 12/03/2019

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Well Logging Printers, Papers & Services

Well Green Tech

<p>Well Green Tech</p>

Fast, full color well log printer for accurate large volume printing

Last Edited: 13/03/2019

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Thermal Well Logging Papers

<p>Thermal Well Logging Papers</p>

Maximize the performance of your well logging printer

Last Edited: 08/03/2019

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InkJet Well Logging Papers

<p>InkJet Well Logging Papers</p>

Maximize the performance of your well logging printer

Last Edited: 14/03/2019

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Laser Well Logging Papers

<p>Laser Well Logging Papers</p>

Maximize the performance of your well logging printer.

Last Edited: 12/03/2019

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Well Logging Solutions

<p>Well Logging Solutions</p>

For printing, scanning, managing and digitizing well information.

Last Edited: 18/03/2019

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Temperature Data Loggers & Remote Monitoring

TrekTag NFC Temperature Data Logger

<p>TrekTag NFC Temperature Data Logger</p>

Designed to bring reliability and peace of mind to the customer

Last Edited: 26/03/2019

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Liftscout Remote Monitoring

<p>Liftscout Remote Monitoring</p>

Monitor and control  your lift stations with ease and peace of mind.

Last Edited: 11/03/2019

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Registrador de Datos de Temperatura TrekTag USB - 2°C a 8°C

<p>Registrador de Datos de Temperatura TrekTag USB - 2&deg;C a 8&deg;C</p>

Registradores de datos de temperatura de un solo uso para el transporte o almacenamiento de productos perecederos.

Last Edited: 23/04/2024

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Thermal Transfer Ribbons

Thermal Transfer Ribbons

<p>Thermal Transfer Ribbons</p>

Providing the ideal coding solution for your flexible packaging

Last Edited: 19/03/2019

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Net Resin IQ

<p>Net Resin IQ</p>

High durability for near-edge labeling and coding.

Last Edited: 20/03/2019

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NetFlex +

<p>NetFlex +</p>

Near-edge Wax / Resin ribbon for flexible packaging.

Last Edited: 04/03/2019

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General Purpose Wax Ribbon

<p>General Purpose Wax Ribbon</p>

General Purpose Wax offers our most economical wax thermal transfer printing solution, while providing consistent performance on a wide variety of substrates.

Last Edited: 01/02/2025

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High Yield Near Edge Wax-Resin Thermal Ribbon

<p>High Yield Near Edge Wax-Resin Thermal Ribbon</p>

Graphic Controls’ High Yield, Near Edge Wax-Resin is used for imprinting date, price, lot and bar codes directly onto flexible packaging.

Last Edited: 01/02/2025

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Near Edge Wax-Resin Thermal Ribbon

<p>Near Edge Wax-Resin Thermal Ribbon</p>

The Graphic Controls Near Edge Wax-Resin is a uniquely engineered near edge wax/resin formulation designed as an economical solution for high print performance on a broad range of materials for barcode label and tag applications.

Last Edited: 01/02/2025

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Premium High Speed Resin Ribbon

<p>Premium High Speed Resin Ribbon</p>

The Premium High Speed Resin ribbon is a premium, high performance flat-head resin ribbon which expands the boundaries of traditional resin formulations, in terms of print speed and image sensitivity.

Last Edited: 01/02/2025

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Premium Near Edge Wax-Resin Thermal Ribbon

<p>Premium Near Edge Wax-Resin Thermal Ribbon</p>

Our High Speed, Near Edge Wax-Resin is used for imprinting date, price, lot and bar codes directly onto flexible packaging.

Last Edited: 01/02/2025

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Premium Wax-Resin Ribbon

<p>Premium Wax-Resin Ribbon</p>

Premium Wax-Resin ribbon is a UL-recognized premium wax/resin ribbon delivering superior image durability on a wide variety of label and tag materials.

Last Edited: 01/02/2025

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Premium Resin-Enhanced Wax-Ribbon

<p>Premium Resin-Enhanced Wax-Ribbon</p>

Premium Resin-Enhanced Wax ribbon produces dense, dark, and durable images on a wide variety of materials, including uncoated and coated thermal transfer papers, matte and semi-gloss, vellums, flood coats, synthetics and gloss PE.

Last Edited: 01/02/2025

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